Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mocember? and Mo Bros Week 4 Photos

Well, Movember has officially come to an end.  Let's see how we all look.

Kevin Owens

I was a little unimpressed with my Mo this month.  I have been watching several notable athletes grow much better moustaches than me.  Although I did achieve the darkness I wanted, the fullness left a little to be desired.  Hopefully next year I can find some volume enhancing products that will help me grow the moustache of my wife's dreams.

Drew Owens

Drew has trimmed up the "Handlebar Mo" he was working with last week, to more reasonable standards.  he ends this month with a much more manageable mo.

Nick Horvath

Nick informed me that he would be out in the New Zealand wilderness this week.  With his new rugged look no animal would dare venture into his territory.

Jon Kalnas

Throughout this month I would occasionally open my email and have a new "Mo Photo" from one of our contestants.  Occasionally the pictures made me laugh out loud either because of the look of their Mo, or because of the amount of hair that had been grown in just a month.  Jon had me laughing from the latter this week.  He finishes off this contest with an overly impressive beard.

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